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The government used to control any form of publishing as tight as it cotroles financial institutions today. When the Internet first arrived in the 90s, many wrote it of as a pipedream cus the gov would forbid it. A crazy Idea that anyone with a phoneline can publish whatever he wants. Yet here you are writing blog posts. It's easy to dismiss technological possibilities by claiming that surly the ruling class would forbid it. Bitcoin is already on the brink of "to big to fail" as it grows bigger in Marketcap and ends up in more peoples portfolio the colletral damaga of banning it becomes bigger. The US could also benefit from the fact that BTC becomes the new world reserce asset. With chinas economic growth and expansion its just a matter of time that the RMB will start to compete with the USD for the place of world server currency. That gives china all the power that comes with it. It would be better for the US that BTC takes this place, this way atleast China won't benefit from the fall of the USD as the reserve currency.

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